Pilot project for a living income.

The Sankofa sustainability project in Ghana combines cocoa farming in dynamic agroforestry systems with carbon offsetting and is the first project of its kind in the world.
Together with Coop and Fairtrade Max Havelaar, we launched a pilot project for a living income in October 2020 as part of the Sankofa project. In this project, some 377 cocoa farmers are currently receiving a higher cocoa price in the form of an additional payment alongside the Fairtrade premium. This means they can achieve a living income regardless of the economic situation.


The pilot aims to expand the payments to additional Fairtrade cocoa farmers in the Ghana cocoa supply chain, enabling more farmers to benefit from a supplement and a living income in future. The first payments to the 377 cocoa farmers were made in September 2021, a year after the pilot project was launched.


More information about the pilot project:

