Cacao farming in Honduras is a tradition which spans over a thousand years and goes back to the Mayas and Aztecs. The original indigenous cacao varieties, the so-called “criollos”, are among the finest in the world.
Shortly before the turn of the millennium, hurricane Mitch caused massive damage in Honduras. Many people died, and countless cacao plants were destroyed. Together with the Swiss development organisation Helvetas and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), HALBA helped bolster the Honduran cacao industry. Today, HALBA can once again buy certified organic and fair-trade cacao of the highest quality from different small-scale farming cooperatives in Honduras.
In 2010, HALBA launched their first reforestation project to promote sustainable and fairly produced cacao together with APROSACAO, a small-scale farmer cooperative in Olancho. Thanks to this cooperative, all CO2 emissions produced by HALBA’s operations are compensated for by planting high-grade timber trees.
After the successful implementation of a pilot project for dynamic agroforestry with interested cacao farmers, HALBA began a multi-year project together with its foundation in Honduras and the US-based development agency USAID at the beginning of 2021. The project serves to improve the living conditions of small-scale cacao farmers among different partner cooperatives. Pursuing a dynamic agroforestry approach allows the cacao farmers to significantly increase the productivity of their cacao plots and, in addition to cacao, also grow other crops, fruits trees and high-grade timber trees. This, in turn, also improves their income. Various educational opportunities in the agricultural industry are being created for younger generations. This contributes to rural development and prevents migration to larger cities or North America.
In order to simplify trade relations and support producers in the most direct way possible, we founded Chocolats Halba Honduras, a sister company, in 2013. All the cacao that we receive from Honduras is sourced from Chocolats Halba Honduras.